APIs & Integrations


API to associate deals with contacts

I am not a programmer but I have an Idea of the process I wold like to implement.
First when I import deals I capture the contact email in a Deal Field with the at name.

The GET deals API would search for deals with no associations, and capture the contact email address.
Next the Get Contact API would be fed the contact email to Identify the contact and get the Contact vid
Finally the vid would be used to associate the customer to the deal.

2 Replies 2

API to associate deals with contacts

Thanks I found that API and that’s what sent me on my quest to get the vid of a contact with a known email address. The API uses the vid to link the deal to the contact. and BTW I just ordered son books on JSON. I know it won’t make me a programmer but at least I can get enough tools to piece together a solution.

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

API to associate deals with contacts

Hi @dhibbing

All of that would be possible through the API. If you’re specifically looking for the endpoint to associate a deal with another record, you can find that here:

Associate a deal with a contact or company | Deals API

PUT deals/v1/deal/:dealId/associations/:OBJECTTYPE?id=:objectId&id=:objectId