APIs & Integrations


[COS Blog Post API] How to implement paging to blog listing


API documentation indicates that blog listing supports pagination. Is there any starting point, tutorial or advice how to implement pagination?
Basically what i want to achieve, is that page lists about ten newest blog post and older posts can be loaded via prev (next) buttons.
I’m working on PHP & Javascript. (obviously i don’t have strong coding background) :slight_smile:

1 Reply 1

[COS Blog Post API] How to implement paging to blog listing

Hi, wintertribe,

Not sure, if you still need help but that post might help someone else.

So, if you look closer the HubSpot API's following endpoint https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/blogv2/get_blog_posts, you will see that there are 2 query-filter parameters, "limit" & "offset" and then you also have the "total_count".
With these 3 variables, you can determine which part of the total blog-list you want to get from HS database.

Then, what you will need is a variable "page" that will indicate in which page the user currently is.

So let's take a step closer to a potential scenario:

scenario requirements
a) show me the 1st page of my blog, b) each page should contain 8 blog-items

To implement that scenario you could (for example in PHP):

  1. Add "page" URL parameters in your page (PHP):

  2. Calculate your variables (PHP):
    $limit = 8;
    $offset = (($page - 1) * $limit) - 1;
    $offset = ($offset < 0) ? 0 : $offset;

So, in case of page 1, the values will be:
$page -> 1
$limit -> 8
$offset -> 0

In case of page 2, the values will be:
$page -> 2
$limit -> 8
$offset -> 7

In case of page 3, the values will be:
$page -> 3
$limit -> 8
$offset -> 15


  1. Perform the HubSpot-API request:
    The string endpoint to get posts should be something like ->
    For example, the string endpoint to get the first 8 posts should be something like ->

  2. Add pagination buttons "prev" & "next":
    Having all the needed variables at that point, you should be able to show:

  • Prev button if the current page is not the first.
  • Next button if the current page is not the last.

I hope that was helpful.