APIs & Integrations


Forms API Stopped Working

We’ve had this VB.NET code running for almost 3 years. Today, the data is no longer going to HubSpot. Any thoughts as to what could be the issue? Has Hubspot changed something?

 'Build Endpoint URL
    Dim strEndpointURL As String = String.Format("https://forms.hubspot.com/uploads/form/v2/{0}/{1}", intPortalID, strFormGUID)

    'Setup HS Context Object
    Dim hsContext As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    hsContext.Add("hutk", strHubSpotUTK)
    hsContext.Add("ipAddress", strIpAddress)
    hsContext.Add("pageUrl", strPageURL)
    hsContext.Add("pageName", strPageTitle)

    'Serialize HS Context to JSON (string)
    Dim json As New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
    Dim strHubSpotContextJSON As String = json.Serialize(hsContext)

    'Create string with post data
    Dim strPostData As String = ""

    'Add dictionary values
    For Each d In dictFormValues
        strPostData &= d.Key & "=" & Server.UrlEncode(d.Value) & "&"

    'Append HS Context JSON
    strPostData &= "hs_context=" & Server.UrlEncode(strHubSpotContextJSON)

    'Create web request object
    Dim r As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(strEndpointURL), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)

    'Set headers for POST
    r.Method = "POST"
    r.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    r.ContentLength = strPostData.Length
    r.KeepAlive = False
2 Replies 2

Forms API Stopped Working

Hi, I had a similar problem. All my form API submissions stopped working on 18 Oct 2016 without any changes to my code.
After much investigation, I found this to be caused by the lack of Content Length header in the request. Before 18 Oct 2016, requests without a Content Length header were accepted by the Hubspot Form API but after 18 Oct, requests without that header all fail!

Apparently, the content length issue was most likely related to a change made by Hubspot for routing traffic to forms.hubspot.com through Akamai (411 Length Required)

The weird / worrying thing is that, now that I have added the Content-Length header, the api is still not storing my forms correctly. All fields are stored except my last form field, which is being truncated (by 5 characters). My guess is that this is caused by wrong encoding or content length interpretation by the HubSpot Form API but I’m still waiting on HubSpot support to investigate this further

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Forms API Stopped Working

Hi @bcote

There haven’t been any recent changes that should affect this. Are you getting any response at all from HubSpot for those submissions?