APIs & Integrations


Unable to associate contact with ticket

When creating a ticket via the api, I am able to populate all of the standard fields as well as the custom ticket fields I have created. However, I am putting a confirmed and valid customer VID with the property 'created_by' as stated in the documentation. However that contact is not being associated when I look at it after it has been created. It shows no contacts associated.

2 Replies 2

Unable to associate contact with ticket

Hey @Anton_Litvinenko were you able to take a look at this? I am for sure sending over a correct contact VID in the created_by field, getting no errors in response. ticket is created. but no contact is associated. We still have to manually do that ourselves. Our hub id is 4300863.

Not applicable

Unable to associate contact with ticket

Hi @nathanbarrett!

I am not a HubSpot employee, so I can't really take a look at your hub or do anything, but i think you can't associate ticket with a customer through created_by property. The correct way is to use CRM Associations API for that: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/crm-associations/crm-associations-overview (more specifically https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/crm-associations/associate-objects) with the right definitionId

Hope this helps!