APIs & Integrations


Webhook for companies for missing companies?

I have change/create webhooks for companies and contacts, and when the webhook is received the receiving app immediately performs a get to https://api.hubapi.com/companies/v2/companies/ to deal with the data.

The results of that GET is
{“status”:“error”,“message”:“resource not found”,“correlationId”:“32d945db-eb9a-48e4-9604-f1a6d5ad45e8”,“requestId”:“90831497510d35dc5ba5c1d5acf2cc60”}

So, is there any potential for companies to be absent for a short while? Some kind of discrepancy between different services at hubspot? Alternately, are there cases where the objectId is incorrect?

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Webhook for companies for missing companies?

Hi @graveland

Is this something that you only saw yesterday? Or are you still seeing this today? We did have some issues yesterday which may have lead to this happening:

Outside of that, there shouldn’t be a case for you receiving a webhook for a company that you can’t get through the API yet. If you’re still seeing this, can you message me with the app that you have the webhooks set up for, and a specific company ID that you saw this with?