APIs & Integrations


Why I can not get the data in some of the contact which has no owner id assign


The api Does not send any data of Contact

Please check the url
Request : https://api.hubapi.com/deals/v1/deal/associated/contact/29363/paged?hapikey=xxxxxxxx&includeAssociat...
Response: {“deals”:[],“hasMore”:false,“offset”:0}
No Response come

When The
Request : https://api.hubapi.com/deals/v1/deal/associated/contact/28575/paged?hapikey=xxxxxxxx&includeAssociat...
Response: {“deals”:[{“portalId”:2687897,“dealId”:66676631,“isDeleted”:false,“associations”:{“associatedVids”:[28575],“associatedCompanyIds”:[],“associatedDealIds”:[]},“properties”:{“dealname”,“num_associated_contacts”:{“value”:“1”,“timestamp”:0,“source”:“CALCULATED”,“sourceId”:null,“versions”:[{“name”:“num_associated_contacts”,“value”:“1”,“source”:“CALCULATED”,“sourceVid”:[]}]}},“imports”:[]}],“hasMore”:false,“offset”:66676631}
Response with some value

Conclusion : I find that contact has no owner id assign the api does not return anything can I known Why?or whats wrong I am doing?

5 Replies 5
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Why I can not get the data in some of the contact which has no owner id assign

Hi @Dipesh

The there shouldn’t be any problem pulling data related to a record with an owner id.

That specific endpoint is for pulling the deals associated with a contact, not the contact itself. Are you seeing deals associated with the first contact record in HubSpot?


Why I can not get the data in some of the contact which has no owner id assign

Hello ya That I known I simply access the all contacts and create the deals if the associated deal is not created for that contact

During this process I will not get the data of some contacts so I can not create the deals for some contact .
can you tell me why the api doesnot return the data of that contact any reason or any idea why thats happends

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Why I can not get the data in some of the contact which has no owner id assign

You should be able to get the data for the contact itself using this endpoint:

The response you’re getting for that first contact is a valid response, it just means there are no deals associated with that contact.

Can you send me the Hub ID you’re working with? Is there a specific deal ID that should be associated with that contact?


Why I can not get the data in some of the contact which has no owner id assign


My hub id is 2687897

No you are wrong in that case
When there is no deal associated with contact still api send some data.please be clear about this.

My main point is
Why there is something api work with owner id to retrive the data of contact
How can I share my secreat hapikey with you pls tell me so you have see it and clear vision about my point

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Why I can not get the data in some of the contact which has no owner id assign

Thanks @Dipesh.

Looking at that account, the contact with vid 29363 has been deleted, so you won’t be able to get any data from the API for that record.

For the first response, you do have a response there:

  "deals": [],
  "hasMore": false,
  "offset": 0

which would be a valid response from the API, just indicating that there are no deals associated with the contact you specified (and in this case, deleted contacts will always show no associated deals).